The Local Mythstorian Podcast
Hosted by founder of The Local Mythstorian project, Eli Lewis-Lycett, each episode focuses on Eli's extensive research into a piece of folklore or curious local history from across Cheshire, Derbyshire or Staffordshire, revealing the hidden story within. Visit for more.
The Local Mythstorian Podcast
Five Minute Mythstoria - The Slaughtered Lambs of Tideswell
Tideswell in Derbyshire is a gem of the Peak District and home to the 'Cathedral of the Peak' - a church of grandeur which acts as a signpost back toward the village's rich medieval history; one of its most curious tales being that of the thirteenth-century feud between Lichfield Cathedral and Lenton Priory that centred on the village's prized livestock.
In a series of bite-sized episodes to bring season 1 of the podcast to an end, Five Minute Mythstoria looks to share snap-shot tales of curious history from across Cheshire, Derbyshire and Staffordshire.