The Local Mythstorian Podcast
Hosted by founder of The Local Mythstorian project, Eli Lewis-Lycett, each episode focuses on Eli's extensive research into a piece of folklore or curious local history from across Cheshire, Derbyshire or Staffordshire, revealing the hidden story within. Visit for more.
The Local Mythstorian Podcast
The Hungry Prophet - The Legendary Sale of Robert Nixon
The story of Robert Nixon, the 'Cheshire Prophet’ starved to death by the king, was once the best known legend of the county, retold and republished dozens of times across the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Precisely who the man was however, has always been something of a mystery, with many assuming he was little more than a fairy tale. Yet research suggests that not only was Robert a real-life figure, but that his bizarre and tragic end might just have been a reality too.
A Cestrian Song - Explorations With the Extraordinary Hinterland of Cheshire History is available here!